Aging into Your Best Self: The Aging Gracefully Program The Aging Gracefully program combines health coaching and life strategies coaching. You can tailor it to focus more on the health aspect or more on the life strategies aspect. The fact is we are all aging. It’s inevitable. But how we age is to a very large extent within our control. We can be part of the millions of people who are falling apart as the age, or we can be a vibrant, energetic, healthy individual who lives lifeto the fullest - who enjoys every single day of their life - who has a life full of meaning and passion - who impacts the lives around them - who is unstoppable! Look around and you’ll see people that you’ve known for years in complete decline as they age. Maybe you’ve looked at your high school peers on Facebook and see almost all of them looking (and feeling and acting) 20+ years older than they are. Maybe you are even one of these people. Please know it doesn’t have to be this way. Our best years were not when we were in our 20s and 30s! It’s easy to fall into a rut. It’s easy to get caught up in the negative inertia of letting ourselves go as we get older. Truth is, if we do nothing, we will continue to degenerate and fall apart. It takes continuous effort to stay vibrant and health. It takes a plan and the motivation to commit to it but the results are certainty worth it! I believe that we can continue to live lives filled with vitality, energy, and incredible health well into our golden years. Although we can’t control everything as we age, we can most definitely control a great many factors as we age. I believe we are conditioned to age in a very unhealthy way in our society. When you think of the typical aged person, what do you picture? It seems the norm for us is to have lost mobility (unable to move with fluidity and grace), lost our strength (unable to lift or carry heavy objects), unable to maintain great balance (falls are nor only frequent for older people, but devastating to their health and often leads to quick decline). Often the average senior citizen suffers from depression or other mental challenges, and has surrendered to the notion that they are over the hill and too old to have a vibrant healthy life. But it doesn’t have to be that way. With the right mindset, physical and mental strategies and plans, we can remain healthy, vibrant, with a zest for life well into our year.
Who am I and why go on this journey with me? Well, simply put I’m a person who’s obsessed with staying as healthy and vibrant as humanly possible. I am inspired by examples of older people who are doing awesome things and I decided a long time ago that I want to be one of those people. In my 50’s I ran my first marathon. I also competed in and won a gold medal at the Masters World Brazilian Jiu Jitsu championships. I wrote a book, and continued my education through various certifications. At 60, I went skydiving for the first time, I teach Jiu Jitsu, work out regularly, and am the happiest I’ve ever been. I don’t say this to impress you. I say it to let you know that if I can do these things, you can accomplish great things as well (whatever those things may be for you). Life is definitely not over when you reach your 50s, 60s, 70’s or beyond. Don’t surrender and just mark your time until you die. Live an inspired and amazing life with everyday you have left.